A small board means forces will close more quickly. The "under 10 crowd" has neither the patience nor the knowledge for maneuvering. They want to roll dice and pick their father's figures off the table. The rangers must be set up on their camp, with the exception of one sentry. The Fox Warparty must enter as a group from random part of the board (d6 1-2 (L), 3-4 (C), 5-6 (R).
One of the problems with not having a historical gaming club in my area (plenty of fantasy and 40K types at the local hobby shop) is that I really don't have anyone with which to play unless I head to the big conventions. Fear, not for the Lord and my wonder wife have given me two gaming buddies that are slowly but surely coming along as historical gamers. Games must be fast paced and simple, although my twelve year-old (the math whiz) now is capable of figuring our more complex tables and will be perfectly happy spending an entire evening with dice and rulers. The eight year old hasn't developed the patience as yet. So this is a an example of a fast-paced easy to play game with d6 and playing cards. With all the concerns about the "Graying of the hobby", my thoughts are that the best thing we can do is provide fast past games to get kids into the hobby (perhaps introducing them to the pastime at scout meetings, local festivals, and while dads are engaged at the big conventions). The rules are simple:
Under-10 Quick-play rules
Musket Range: 10 inches
Rangers: 4 inches, Fox: 6 inches
Cover (Rock, Tree): +1 to hit
To Hit:
d6 4-6
Black card, Kill: Red card (two wounds = kill)
Wound results in
Half movement, -2 to melee
d6 (highest wins)
Tie: both fall back 2 inches.
If attacker loses, he
is pushed back 2 inches
Morale actions: roll if 50% casualties 1-3 (must break off
Rangers (hold camp), Fox (take camp)
The Fox split into two groups to surround the Rangers' camp. |
The Rangers wisely take cover behind the rocks. |
Initial volleys of musketry are ineffective, but at least one Fox warrior has closed to with hand-to-hand combat distance of a Ranger.
The Fox warrior on the cliff fires, and misses. |
...but successfully rolls to jump and defeat a Ranger in hand-to-hand combat, while his fellow warrior has fallen to a Ranger tomahawk. Another Ranger falls to a musketball, and their side must take a -1 to their initiative roll on the next round.
Finally, the shot strikes home. Despite two casualties, the Rangers not only roll higher for initiative, but also down two warriors on the east side of the camp. The sentry to the northwest also drops one. With 60% casualties, this fight is not worth it for the Fox.
Time to for me to flee... |
And so the Fox war party is defeated in a game that took twenty minutes to play. Very simple and perhaps not the cup of tea for the experienced wargamer, but, hopefully it piques the interest of the under-10 crowd and gets them away from the video games for a while. You know you're on the right track when they ask to play again.
On the painting table. |
After being away on business for almost two months, the paints and brushes are back out. Far left- Jacobite Troll Standard bearer (I cut off the sword and added the tam, feathers, and kilt). I'm not a big fan of "fantasy games" so I'll add a little historical bent to that game. Also working on Command elements for the Mexican Centralista Matamoros, Toluca, and Guerrero Battalions (L-R). Handpainted the flags since all the Mexican flag transfers on the market are generic. As you can (based off the originals in Austin) the Mexican standards were unique to each battalion.