Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Finally Complete: Sauk y Fox War Party

Sauk, Sac, y Fox or SacFox, by any name,
they play into American history in the 18th and 19th c.
 I purchased these figures from Conquest Miniatures FIW woodland Indians line and the sculpting is incredible.  These have been on the bench for a while, but were finally finished after some internet research and finding some free time.

I used a pin to apply paint to simulate quill and shell work on shotbags.
The great thing about these figures is that they can be used for FIW, AWR, and the 19th c Blackhawk Wars (currently most of my American figs are from the 1830's:  Texian Revolution).  I have a few FIW American Rangers on the painting table and figure I can use my Texian Militia to wargame the campaigns of the Blackhawk Wars.
18th and 19th century depictions of Sac/Fox
I based the figs on laser cut hardboard and pasted magnets to the bottom, similar to my Texians/Mexicans.  The bases are a bit high to my liking, but its what I had on hand.  I'm transitioning to 3/4 in washers...since they're already magnetic, have a lower profile, and are significantly less expensive than all of the base options I've seen on the market.

The detail on the Conquest minis is phenomenal, down to claw necklaces
and braided garters for their mitasses.

The bases are topped off with sand, painted and flocked.  On to my rangers, so I can stage a small unit action.
...even cones and deer hair (center blue shot bag).
          I will definitely be purchasing more from Conquest and as I said, have some FIW rangers currently on the painting table (top, primed).
          I'm working on Mexican Cazadores, Command, and artillery.  Also on the table are tavern servants, Franciscan friars, and mounted Texian Rangers (not to forget the FIW rangers).  These have involved a lot of reposing, new arms, and work with putty to make bi-corns, M1928 forage caps, sashes, blanket rolls, etc.  I'm hoping that they turn out well.  Many of these are poses that I never had any intention of using...but with some putty, styrene and the occasional oath...they should make it into a future campaign.



  1. Great looking Natives; something I've yet to add to my F&IW troops. I suppose I like uniformed troops better as it requires less thought of painting :)! Best, Dean

    1. Thanks. They do take more work to personalize them, but there are a lot of period paintings on the net to guide you. That being said, you can't really set up an assembly line on them like regulars. Thankfully, warbands are small!
