Alamo 28mm Kids' Game by Bob Burnham. My son's minis are on the left. (1) |
So I registered today for
Historicon 2013 in Fredericksburg, VA. Last year was a blast. The "flea market" and vendors are great. I still haven't painted all the minis I bought, but that doesn't mean I won't buy more. I will.
Tenneseeans fend off Mexican Militia (2) |
Took the boys and a friend last year and they played Bob Burnham's 28mm Alamo Siege. The game was run well and unfortunately it doesn't appear that Bob is scheduled to run a game this year. I did sign the boys up for Wargame 101 which appears to be a WWII armor tutorial and we will also play Cog Wars: Dark Ages, and the 1763 Battle of Bushy Run. What does this mean? It means I have to paint my Saxon Fyrd and Warband, build a kogge/knarr and my younger son needs to finish his Provincial Rangers. Lots of painting to do before the convention...why does this always seem to happen?
(1), (2) Photos by Mitchell Osborne. http://www.historicon.org/index.asp